
Sending OTP and Alerts using ShortCode

How to send OTP , Alerts using ShortCode

Sending OTP, Alerts, Notification is frequently required service.

Alerts / Notification campaigns are used to set a pre-defined template with dynamic variables which can later be used via Rest API. These variables are defined dynamically i.e. add “@{“ before your variable word and add “}” after it. For example: @{phonenumber}, @{number}, @{code} are all valid variables.

How to create it ?


Sending OTP and Alerts using ShortCode


That’s It, Just submit the details and after approval you will be able to use it,.

Each Campaign is provided with a campaign key which is private and unique for all campaigns and will be required as parameter for HTTP Rest Calls.

Upon creating alert/notification campaign, you will get an API URL which will have parameters for all the custom variables you defined in the message text. You will use this API to run this campaign.
For example: you entered the following text in the message of your campaign:

“Hello @{name}, your mobile verification code is @{code}

The API URL will look like :

You will have to replace all the variables (words that begin and end with “{ }”) in the above URL with the actual data before accessing the URL.

Just call our HTTP Rest API and with required parameters and our Intelligent system does the rest.


Happy Texting 🙂